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کاملترین مستند در مورد استاد فیلسوف حکیم ارد بزرگ خراسانی

اینجا ببینید کلیک کنید ( 52 دقیقه )

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فیلمی نادر، از کسانیکه توانستند فیلسوف حکیم ارد بزرگ ، را از نزدیک ببینند.

ویدئو نظریه قاره کهن فیلسوف حکیم ارد بزرگ، اینجا کلیک کنید

ویدئو درباره ایده دیوار مهربانی فیلسوف حکیم ارد بزرگ را اینجا ببینید کلیک کنید

المواضيع الأخيرة
» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور ژاپن The philosophy of Orodism in Japan
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:54 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور اتیوپی The philosophy of Orodism in Ethiopia
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:51 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور بلژیک The philosophy of Orodism in Belgium
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:48 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور کرواسی The philosophy of Orodism in Croatia
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:45 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور جمهوری چک The philosophy of Orodism in Czech Republic
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:44 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور اکوادور The philosophy of Orodism in Ecuador
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:41 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور مالزی The philosophy of Orodism in Malaysia
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:39 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور گینه استوایی The philosophy of Orodism in Equatorial Guinea
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:37 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز

» بازتاب فلسفه اُرُدیسم در کشور دانمارک The philosophy of Orodism in Denmark
3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Emptyالأحد يوليو 25, 2021 7:34 am من طرف بهنــــــ❤ــاز


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3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher

اذهب الى الأسفل

3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher Empty 3 Insightful Quotes By The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani, The Renowned Iranian Philosopher

پست من طرف reza shahabi السبت فبراير 28, 2015 8:52 pm

No door will be closed to kind people.
―The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Stay away from unkind people to avoid the fire of their anger and hatred.
―The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Alas, we do not appreciate each other as long as we live.
―The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

Are we kind ?! When we kill a creature to meet people or get rid of suffering ?! Instead, plant trees, give bread, and be truly kind.
―The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

you cannot be kind to those whose hands are stained with the blood of others. They must be handed over to the law. "Orod", like many others, does not consider kindness to be absolute.
―The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani

A worthy person does not behave unkindly because of the wrongdoing of others.
―The Philosopher Hakim Orod Bozorg Khorasani
reza shahabi
reza shahabi

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امتیاز : 4080
سن : 43
شهر من : Sydney

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